Want one? FREE!

You know, i like to make headers & banner ect. To blogs... AND now i can make one for you too! Just make a post and tell me what you want on it and put in your blog address... You can just put in the adress if you don't know what you want on it ;)
Like it? Huh? Then you should really download the deskop from that links i gave you.. And ;) Everything's moving!
Guess what? Today i was forced to reset my iPod totally! Not a thing was left, but i had my library left so the best songs got syncorisized again. But if you have a problem like this:
*Ipod doesn't start
*The screens just black
*It doesn't get in contact with the computer
*Or iTunes
*It just locked itself i didn't do anything!
You can do following things to see if you can get it working again:
*May sound crazy but, try to drop it in the floor from 1dm high, it may get somekind of contact.
*Do not try to do something with the ipod except with iTunes (like try to get it working by using the "computer")
*Press menu and middle button for awhile
*If it starts use iTunes to reset it and upload all tunes again.
If this doesn't work contact reparation service.
Y'know what? There is a really great site i found a while ago:
And then you may ask: what's with it? Well, there's some things from that site you really should download like:
*Lucky Star Accessory CD
It has some great sound for your computer and you can put them anywhere you want! The best one's the email tune with Konata or starting theme with Kagami.
Download here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1B685ZCU
*Lucky Star Okiraku Box
The game doesn't really work except you have something strange but it comes with screensavers! As I can't install...
Download here http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2PIO6N7Q
*Desktop Mascot
It's really funny ones in that one XD you can use part one to place moving stuff onto your screen and you can use part two for games/clock ect on the screen.
Download part 1 here: lucky_star_desktop.rar
And 2 here: kfbox.zip
(To use any of the box you have to install 7-zip and use it to open the files then drag them to your documents)
Okay... I didn't thought anyone visited my site... But! I had one hit from the US today! Think it was from my link on fanfiction... But whatever! If that persen vivit this blog another day SAY THAT YOU DID AND HOW YOU FOUND IT!
Love Hina: All on Keitaro
Chapter 1: Shinobu’s sneaking into Keitaros room?!
It was in the middle of the night, everybody was asleep except Shinobu who were sneaking around in Hinatas hallway. It was dark but it Never really got night black in Hinata because of all the windows. Shinobu went towards the landlords room, she opened the door and it scraped in the floor. It was a traditional Japanese sliding door. Whole Hinata was built in the same traditional style.
Shinobu whispered quietly to herself:
-Nobody’s awake, nobody will hear. And if somebody wakes up and sees me I’m not going to do anything weird, right Shinobu? No crazy thoughts.
-Why not Shinobu? You know you want to, nobody can hear anyway.
She froze to ice somebody was in the room, but she couldn’t see who. The only thing she saw was a sleeping Keitaro laying on his futon (Japanese bed) placed on the tatami the carpet in the middle of the room.
-H-h-hello? A-anyone there? , she asked whispering.
No answer.
-Did I imaged it? , she asked herself, I guess I did, she whispered after a while.
She closed the door behind her and watched Keitaro sleep. He was her dream, she loved him.
-Oh, Keitaro if I just was some older there would be no problem between us.
She sighed, and went towards his bed she sat down on the tatami carpet next to his head and watched him sleep. He looked like a child but he was twenty, it was so cute. She sat there for a while and watched him sleep, and then she bent forwards, towards his face. She had seen Keitaro trying to kiss Naru this way so why couldn’t she give it a try? She just wanted to feel how it was to kiss him once, in his eyes she was just a child and she know it was next to impossible for him to accept her as a girlfriend or anything closer than friends. She was just about to kiss him when she bent backwards again and shook her head and blushed, no Shinobu, you’re just a thirteen year old girl, you can’t kiss a twenty year old boy, no! It’s just to wrong! After that she sat there a few more minutes the she fell asleep on the floor.
The next morning she woke up with Keitaro staring shocked at her. The sun made the room really light as usual in Keitaros room. Keitaro had his glasses on and sat a meter away from her. Shinobu watched him with a sleepy-looking face. What’s wrong Keitaro, what are you staring at she wanted to say but because she were so sleepy it sounded more like:
-“Whads wong Keetaro whad are you staring ad?”
He just stared at her.
Then she realized it, she were for the first thing not in her own room she was in Keitaros room, she must have fallen asleep in Keitaros room, which she really didn’t planned! For the second thing she had, under the night, rolled up on Keitaros bed! And the third and worst thing was that her sleeping-kimono had opened under the night so her chest was showing! And Keitaro just stared so she thought his eyes should pop out!
She was so embarrassed and so shocked! She couldn’t move she just stared back into his eyes, HALF NAKED in HIS bed. She were so red nobody have ever been redder! This was just like the time Mutsumi had fallen down in Keitaros bed through the hole between Narus and Keitaros rooms (Narus where the upper room and Keitaros the one under hers). It was horrible! She couldn’t do anything! She just stared at his brown eyes and he stared into her blue.
-Ehh, she couldn’t even say anything!
The thought that she maybe had to tell the truth about why she sneaked in to Keitaros room, made her even more embarrassed. She could see everybodys faces in front of her, disgusted!
-Ehh, she felt like she had to say something to break the silence.
Keitaro just stared.
-Wha-wha-what are you doing in m-m-my b-bed? , he said after a while ,he sounded really shocked.
Shinobu bent her head down and watched the floor. Suddenly she heard a Board being dragged away and after some seconds Naru putted down her head through the hole between their rooms and said:
Shinobu and Keitaro stared up on Naru, Naru stared at them.
-Ehh, Shinobu said, Naru stared at her with a face more shocked than Keitaros.
Keitaro raised his hand like he was arrested by the police-that was his way to say “I didn’t do anything!”.
-Kei-Kei-Keitaro, he stared at him and you could tell on her face and her voice that she was furious.
-I-I-I-I haven’t done anything I-I-I promise! Keitaro said.
- Oh like I should believe you, you pervert! Are you going to put your slimy hands on Shinobu to, you pedophile!
Shinobu stared in the floor again.
-You should, shouldn’t you, she said after that she saw Shinobu staring down in the floor.
-N-n-n-no! It’s true I didn’t do anything!! Right Shinobu?
She just stared at the floor.
-You perverted pedophile! , Naru jumped down through the hole and punched Keitaro through the floors and up in the sky.
It got big holes after him through Narus room and the roof. It got a little foggy in the room from the plaster and the wood as had torn apart and it flew a lot of chips in the air. Both Naru and Shinobu coughed high in the light brown fog.
Then the door opened and all the other residents at the Hinata-house appeared.
-Keetaro did you got a fog machine? I like it!, Shinobu heard Kaollas voice but couldn’t really see her.
-OGI! ZANGANKEN!, Now she heard that Motoko had done some kind of sword technique and after some seconds the fog was gone.
-Naru? Are you okay what happened? Where’s Keitaro?, it was Kitsunes voice and now see saw Kitsune standing next to Naru.
-Shinobu? Why are your kimono open and what are you doing in Keetaros room? Kaollas happy childish voice asked.
-Don’t tell me that you and Keitaro…., Motoko stared shocked at her.
-No, no, she said, nothing like that, she stared into the ground. We just…
-Keitaro , tricked her into his room that perverted pedophile!, Naru said still mad.
-No, no you are so wrong!, Kaolla tried to sound smart, I saw everything.
-Why did you asked me then?!, Shinobu said like she was about to cry.
-I just wanted to see if you could admit it herself, she looked superior out.
-Yes, Kaolla tell us! What happened?, Kitsune shook her.
-It all begin with me and my new invention Mr. speak loud quiet, it’s makes that you can speak loud to another person from far away without a loudspeaker. I also used a microphone and a micro cam.
-Yes, yes Kaolla I don’t want to hear about your inventions just tell me about Shinobu!, she said like Shinobu were kidnapped or something.
-Well, after that I had installed my inventions in Keetaros room…
-Why Keitaros room if I may ask?, Motoko asked.
-Because, Keetaro is a funny person!
Everybody looked bored.
-But, anyway, then I went back to my own room and waited until night, meanwhile I ate…
-Kaolla I’m not interested about what you ate!, Kitsune was irritated.
-It’s important to you to know what I were eating!, Kaolla said that it was the most certain thing in the whole world.
Everybody stared.
-I ate two bananas… And then I saw Shinobu open the door into Keitaros room. I heard her saying that she shouldn’t do anything weird… Oh, this makes me thinking of bananas, can’t we eat first?
No! Just tell us the story!, Kitsune was about to strangle her.
-L-let me go!, Kaolla said.
Naru made Kitsune release Kaollas neck.
-Why do you so desperately want to hear about what I did last night?, Shinobu said, blushing one meter from everybody else.
-Because I want to hear about all dirty details you did, said Kitsune.
Shinobu hided her head in her hand.
-But anyway after she talked to herself I told her: Why not Shinobu? You know you want to, nobody can hear anyway. It was really funny Shinobu looked so scared.
Shinobu turned around.
-Then I got away to fetch another banana and then I saw that Shinobu tried to kiss the seeping Keetaro.
-Whaa?! What?!, Keitaro was back. Y-y-you did whaat?! Keitaro stood by the door and looked shocked.
-Don’t come and disturb!, Kitsune said and punched him away again. This time through the wall. What more Kitsune said like Keitaro never came.
-Well, she stopped herself in the last minute and after a few minutes she fell asleep. And there is one more detail, when Keetaro woke up in the morning he saw Shinobus chest! Nyahaha!, that last thing she said without any respect at all to Shinobus feelings.
Shinobu saw that she had forgotten to close the kimono and closed it quickly.
-Kaolla!! That’s not something you tell other people!, she said started hitting her weak.
-Oh…, Kitsune said, only that… You should be some more daredevil Shinobu!
-But it’s nothing like that we are just friends, Shinobu said confused and embarrassed.
-I don’t think that friends want to kiss each other, Kitsune said.
-I-I-I-I just…, started Shinobu.
-Love him!, Kaolla filled in.
-Kaolla!, Shinobu said and started hitting her again.
- Well, no harm done, Naru said, I don’t care, Naru looked fine on the outside but inside she didn’t wanted to share Keitaro with anyone else.